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Villa Fulvia 1.1
Visual C.S.
Casa di Cura Villa Fulvia private structures NHS. Free App!
Louvre ID audioguide 1.0
Visual C.S.
Enjoy the new ArtApp ...If you are looking for a funny, exciting and magically Louvre APP,then here is the perfect one for you!Choose a wing and, like a most famous app, this application allowsyou to recognize a painting, describe it, with the date, and authorbiography.About 400 paintings are recognized by this application. It becomesan audio guide with IOS 7 device.Have fun. No internet connection required.You just have to "shoot" the painting without flash and find outwhat happens.Try this app at the museum, on your artbook, or on your favouritewebsite.To try this app, please follow the steps below:1) choose "italian paintings" at denon wing2) go to this link: shoot the painting and find out what happens
Gruppo INI 2
Visual C.S.
Dal 1947 un Gruppo sanitario al serviziodellacomunità.L'Istituto Neurotraumatologico Italiano, INI, articolato inpiùDivisioni, è presente in molte aree del paese. Tutte leclinichesono abilitate al ricovero, all'assistenzaspecialisticaambulatoriale; sono accreditate con il SSN (ServizioSanitarioNazionale) e certificate UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.All'internodell'Istituto sono attivi un Consiglio scientifico evarie Unità diricerca e sperimentazione che operano in strettocollegamento condiverse Università.Since 1947, a grouphealthcare service to the community.The Institute Neurotraumatologico Italian, INI, dividedintoseveral divisions, is present in many areas of the country.Allclinics are enabled to hospitalization, outpatient specialistcare,are credited with the NHS (National Health Service) andcertifiedUNI EN ISO 9001:2008. Within the Institute are active ascientificcouncil and the various units of research andexperimentation thatoperate in close collaboration with severaluniversities.
Hermitage ID Audio guide 1.0
Visual C.S.
Enjoy the new ArtApp ...If you are looking for a funny, exciting and magicallyHermitageAPP, then here is the perfect one for you!Choose a room and, like a most famous app, this applicationallowsyou to recognize a painting, describe it, with the date, andauthorbiography.about 270 paintings are recognized by this application. Itbecomesan audio guide with Android.Have fun. No internet connection required.You just have to "shoot" the painting without flash and findoutwhat happens.Try this app at the museum, on your artbook, or on yourfavouritewebsite.To try this app, please follow the steps below:1) choose "Room from 77 to 93""2) go to this link: shoot the painting and find out what happens!
Amicus Viatorum 1.2
Visual C.S.
Il progetto “Amicus Viatorum” si proponedisupportare gli artigiani, i commercianti e le PMI presentisuiCammini Giubilari di transito affinché possanoaccogliere,informare ed assistere i visitatori che giungeranno aRoma, siadurante il loro peregrinare sia durante la loro permanenzanellacittà.In particolare, nell’ambito del progetto è stato elaboratounmarchio identificativo “Amicus Viatorum” per qualificarelebotteghe artigiane gli esercizi commerciali e le altreimpreseaderenti come luoghi di informazione, erogazione servizi ecomeesercizi che offrano prodotti del made in Italy.The project"Amicusviatorum" aims to support the artisans, traders and SMEspresent onthe Routes transit Jubilee so that they can accommodate,inform andassist visitors who will come to Rome, and during theirtravelsboth during their stay in the city .In particular, the project was elaborated anidentification"Amicus viatorum" label to describe the workshopsretail outletsand other member companies as information sites,delivery servicesand how exercises that offer products made inItaly.
Le Reve de Naim Magazine 1
Visual C.S.
“Nato da un'ambizione progettuale in lineaconi valori aziendali, che fino ad oggi hanno guidato con successolescelte lavorative ed operative dell'imprenditore Massimo Naimnelmondo dell' hotellerie di lusso in cui si èambiziosamenteaffermato, il nuovo ed esclusivo Magazine trova lasuarealizzazione nella passione che il titolare nutre perl'editorialegata al concept e al lifestyle di prestigio.Seguendo come rotta d'ispirazione una filosofia di vitainteressataal bello, alla qualità del benessere e del buon gusto,questomagazine si affaccia al mercato nazionale edinternazionale,rispondendo alle esigenze attente e selettive di untarget elitarioe scrupoloso”."Born of designambitionin line with the company values, which to date havesuccessfullyled the working and operating decisions of theentrepreneur MassimoNaim in the world of 'luxury hotel business inwhich you areambitiously claimed, the new and exclusive Magazinefinds itsrealization in the passion that the owner feels forpublishingrelated to the concept and prestigious lifestyle.Following such an inspiring route concerned philosophy tothebeautiful, the quality of well-being and good taste, thismagazinelooks at the national and international market, meeting thedemandscareful and selective of an elite and scrupulous target".
ARtScan 4.5
Visual C.S.
The photographic works come to life thanks to this application.Witha simple gesture, just focus on the work and see what happens.Havefun!
ArtScanV2 2.0
Visual C.S.
Augmented Reality Art Scan by Alessandro Risuleo
Major Bit Innovation
Visual C.S.
The digital business card in AR of the Major Bit Innovation company